Time for me to ease into the flowering of words… to pick the ripe fruits of practice.

Time to step forward, trusting in the energy I’ve poured into journalling, life-writing and poetry for well over thirty years.

Time to harvest the experience of embracing my own dancing, vital body, after years of frightened detachment and fear of connection.

Time to share my scientist’s delight and joy in the natural world, your curiosity about your human world, and our conversations about the interaction between the two.

For several years now I have been inspired and energised by the power of free-flow  word-weaving,  with writing as release and journey and expression.

Playing the music of metaphor and the aliveness of word-association.

Spring-boarding into action through the clarity of intention that voicing-on-the-page can allow.

And riding the deeper currents that flow in “the river beneath the river”.

Come play with me!

Come explore the themed exercises that I provide as triggers to our most surprising outbursts, our most telling stories.

Share one-to-one, or in small groups, the poetic songs that bubble up from the wellsprings of each of our lives.

My work is based on practices developed by Julia Cameron (‘The Artist’s Way); Natalie Goldberg (Wild Mind); Writing Your Way (Manjusvara) and other seminal influences. It is rooted in the poetic, the imaginal, the mythic – and in the Earth. It wisps with high clouds, and ripples with the braided river. It takes its pace from the tides and the breath.

This is what I offer:

Writing and creative inspiration in groups of up to 6, publicised and hosted by one of the group (in a domestic or meeting-room setting).

East Sutherland (April-September) and South Cambridgeshire (November-February).

One-to-one word encounters at your home or mine.

Variations on a theme, or co-facilitated by another creative or therapist – by arrangement.

For a two-hour session I invite a per-person donation of £15 to £60

(depending on group size and location) payable in advance.

Bursaries by negotiation, for those with low income. (Remember that I am in that category too.) Longer workshops; staff development work with charities; and retreats  – all by arrangement.

Just to kick off, here are links to some of the resources already available on this site, for you to play with.



They’re even more revealing when explored in the company of a friend…

Why not Follow writing presence.com for more companioning?

Hoping to accompany you soon!